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Teaching Others Who Jesus Really Is
“whoisjesus.com” traces its roots to 1984 when a demand for materials from the ministry of Robert A. Sabin resulted from his focus on Teaching Others Who Jesus Really Is. Oneness Ministries was born. As pastor of Apostolic Bible Church (ABC) of St. Paul, Minnesota, since 1971, Robert Sabin traveled extensively throughout the world including Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Africa, Japan, Croatia, with frequent returns to St. Petersburg, Russia and different regions of India.
Working with my wife and I, and several other volunteers, we published the Oneness News & Journal periodical and distributed teaching tapes on the subject of the Oneness of God around the world. Robert Sabin’s renown caused him to be invited to participate in a theological discussion of the nature of God on the nationally televised John Ankerberg Show with the late Dr. Walter Martin of the Christian Research Institute in 1985. Successive debates with Robert Bowman took place in 1990 and 1991.
Pastor Sabin retired from full-time ministry in October of 1997 but continued his teaching ministry until his health deteriorated the last two years of his life. He passed away October 15, 2014. He was my teacher, mentor, pastor, friend, stand-in grandfather to my children, and surrogate father to my wife and I. He introduced me to Jesus as the Mighty God. I embrace his memory every time I think about Jesus.
It is my opinion that Brother Sabin’s greatest personal attribute was not his genius intellect, his insatiable hunger for the truth of the Word of God, or his unmatched oratory skills. I believe his greatest strength was his willingness to follow the truth wherever it lead him. This conviction to follow God and not man brought about a separation from associates and organizations.
The outreach of Oneness Ministries progressively decreased over the years and is currently limited. We discontinued the sale of materials and distribution of the newsletter after Brother Sabin retired. God has blessed us with the opportunity to keep the website up and running. The teachings on the website alone have been a blessing to thousands worldwide. I respond to all inquiries eventually but I am not always prompt.
My burden to carry on Brother Sabin’s teachings seemed impossible after his passing. That difficulty was eased after receiving most of the Ministries’ materials from his wife.The question to answer now is how to proceed. The degree of interest for his teachings is an unknown but I am convinced that he would want me to continue to distribute the truth of the Gospel.
I have always been the student, cheer leader, follower, editor, organizer, marketer.
I cannot move forward pretending to be the voice of Robert Sabin or writing words with the intention of representing his position.
The Bible tells us that “A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher” (Luke 6:40, NIV). I could never replace Robert Sabin and it has never been my hope or intention to do so. Also, I don’t claim to be fully trained but I will trust God to teach me what I have not learned and equip me for whatever he calls me to do. It is my request and invitation to you to turn to the page titled “About whoisjesus.com” after reading the paragraph below.
We appreciate your interest, hope you are blessed by your visit, and covet your prayers.
E-Mail us. We attempt to reply to all inquiries and comments, but please be patient.
Keith G. Morehead
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For I am convinced that neither angels nor demons, neither death nor life, neither the present nor the future, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God.
Pastor Ollie Mitchell
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